Units & Clubs

Motor Unit
The Motor Unit was formed as a motorcycle escort for our Temples Potentates. Through the years it became clear that the Harley Davidson motorcycles were real crowd pleasers whenever we attended parades. In an effort to grow and allow more LuLu Nobility an opportunity to become active in parades, and ultimately promote Shrinedom, the Motor Unit formed other divisions of the motorized equipment. We had Mini Bikes, Go Karts, scooters, and 450 Hondas. Today we still have our Motorcycles, Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Kit Cars, and Street Rods and Indy Karts.
We are now reestablishing our Indy Kart division, and are starting up a new division of 700cc motorcycles that are knows as the Mix/Match division. The 700cc M/M division allows Nobles with any make or model motorcycle 700cc’s or over with a windshield and saddlebags the opportunity to parade and drill at Imperial and MASA competitions as their own division. The Indy Karts will be available at a modest cost to the new member who does not possess the required equipment to join one of the other Motor Unit divisions, but would like to become a member of the best Motor Unit in Shrinedom.
The requirements to join the Motor Unit are easy. Love motorized vehicles and have or obtain a piece of equipment for parades, obtain an official Motor Unit uniform within 3 months of being voted in, and last but not least, have a desire to have fun!
How can you join? That’s the easy part. Step up to our display, or approach a Noble wearing a Motor Unit Uniform, they are not hard to spot, as we feel they are the best looking uniforms in the Temple. Ask for an application. Fill it out completely and give it back with a $10 initiation fee. When you are voted in, you will pay a $20 annual dues fee. If it’s after July 1st you will only pay a $10 dues fee.
If you want to see what we are about, you are most welcome to attend a meeting and see what you are getting yourself into. The Motor Unit meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in our room in the basement of the Temple. Enter from the rear of the building and come down the stairs in the kitchen. We serve light refreshments at our meetings.